Breaking news: the Voilà dashboard gets a makeover!

We've improved navigation: fewer clicks, more live.

After two years of loyal service, the Voilà dashboard is evolving.

With the imminent arrival of our SaaS service, Voilà is evolving to better meet our customers' needs.

Since the notion of a program has never been well understood by our users, we've decided to put it on the back burner. As a result, you will no longer see the page with all your programs and their visuals.

Bye-bye to the old dashboard!

Gone is the dashboard you know, and the focus is now on the heart of our product: your live sessions!

If this "new page" sounds familiar, you're right, because it's the page with your sessions that becomes central.

So what changes?

We explain it all 👇🏻

Do you still need several programs?

Placed in the platform header, the selector lets you quickly switch between your programs and create new ones, separating your session collections by theme.

Access to the Consumption page has moved, but is still just a click away!

To consult it, you will find it in theheader of the platform, next to your user menu.

Organization parameters are easily accessible in thetop right header.

Simply click on the button with the initials and then choose the relevant heading from the drop-down menu. This will allow you to rename your organization if necessary.

The News section has disappeared, as we noticed that articles were rarely consulted.

Don't panic!

This feature will be back to give you a better experience...

Still need help? Please contact us! Contact us now!