What's new? Week of September 23rd
Here are the week's main new releases, available before the weekend as usual
🔥 A new graph to better understand your events
We're upgrading the statistics section to provide you with an even smoother, more intuitive experience.
We unveil a three-level conversion funnel that lets you track your sessions like never before!
🚀 Floor 1: Impressions. How many times your session's thumbnail has shown up on the site.
🚀 Floor 2: clicks. How many clicks on the session thumbnail in order to launch the player.
🚀 Floor 3: unique attendees. How many unique viewers attended the live event.
🚀 It's easier to moderate with several people now
The deck moderation system adapts to multi-moderator events. Messages and questions waiting to be answered will shine for everyone. More efficiency, less confusion!
🎛️ Decide for yourself what you want to display in the player menu
The menu displaying the session description, speakers, chapters and tools becomes 100% customizable. Choose what you want to display, and nothing else!
🙌 The speakers section
No more clutter in the web studio! If you're organizing a program with several speakers, you now decide who appears in the session. Say goodbye to the 50 unnecessary thumbnails: your studio is finally uncluttered and organized. Let's take a breath! 🎉