Manage access and invitations

To set up access, manage your participants and launch e-mail campaigns, go to the 'Access and participants' tab on your dashboard.

There are 2 types of access:

  • Access public - the participant receives a generic access link for :
    • access the live stream anonymously or not
    • or register and receive confirmation by e-mail with your personal, non-transferable access link
  • Private access - the participant receives a personal, non-transferable access link.

Public access

Make my live show accessible to everyone:

To make your program accessible to all, check the Make access public box.

Activating this option allows anyone to join via a generic access link and will be anonymous.

💡 Tip: Use the button to copy this unique link to your clipboard.

With access form :

You can also choose to display the access form to collect information about your participants. To do so, simply activate the Access Form by checking the corresponding box.

Don't forget to customize the form to your liking by clicking on the Configure button.

⚠️ If you opt to check participants' e-mails, this will send personal links to everyone (use e-mail campaigns to distribute these links).

Restrict e-mail domains :

The "Restrict e-mail domains" option limits access to your program to e-mail addresses from certain domains. To use it :

  1. Check the box: "Restrict e-mail domains".
  2. Enter authorized domains: in the field, enter domain names without an "@" (e.g.
  3. Press Enter after each domain added.

Example: If you enter and only users with e-mail addresses ending in and will have access to your program. This feature is useful for restricting access to members of a specific organization or to selected partners.

Private access

Make my live private (import files or SSO) :

To make your program accessible only to certain people, uncheck the Make access public box.

Each participant will be given a personal link to access the program (use email campaigns to distribute these links).

Limited to one screen :

You can restrict each link to one simultaneous viewing. This feature is particularly useful for ticketed events, or when you want to prevent your participants from sharing their personal links with others.

Here's a short video clip that shows you how to set up access for your live:

Still need help? Please contact us! Contact us now!