How to set up a shipping e-mail address

There are two ways to set up your shipping e-mail address:

  • Via e-mail campaigns:
    • Go to "Access and participants".
    • Go to "Email campaigns".
    • Click on "Create".
    • Select "Sender".
    • Click on "Add a new sender".

  • Via general configuration:
      • Click on your initials in the top right-hand corner.
      • Select "Organization parameters".
      • Go to "E-mails".
      • Click on "Add a sender".

You have two options:

  1. Add a sender to one of the domains Voilà

Your e-mails will be sent from the following address: My Program <> which will be available immediately.

  1. Add a sender on your own domain (advanced)

⚠️ Get in touch with your IT department to configure the DNS records required for email deliverability. You'll find all the information you need here.

Once the shipping address has been added, you will receive a validation e-mail from AWS (Amazon Web Services). You will need to click on the link in this e-mail to enable Voilà to use this address for shipping.

Your e-mails will be sent from the following address after validation: My Program <>(as a reminder, this address must already exist)

💡 Contact Support Voilà to complete the procedure.

⚠️ It's very important to test sending e-mails from the platform to members of your company using the address you've just set up in backstage. This will enable you to check the deliverability of e-mails and thus avoid spam.

Still need help? Please contact us! Contact us now!